It’s Time to Fight for Peace

Wrong. Have you ever wondered how, in a world in which opportunists would gladly usurp the power of an advanced, loving society, can we exist in a constant state of love and kindness? If we treat everyone with love, forgiveness and kindness, what happens when the bad guys come along? We must fight them, right? No. The reality requires us to understand the nature of man. If we see man as inherently evil, we expect evil motives and evil actions. If we see man as inherently good, we expect the opposite – plans and decisions based on love, not just of our own families and friends, but of everyone.

The truth is that we are inherently good. Sometimes, some of us have bad experiences. It is those bad experiences which instill in us evil, in the form of fear, anger, uncertainty, hate, etc. Once we are filled with these forms of evil, we allow ourselves to justify our actions. This is the genius of evil. It creates within us, situations caused by others who have experienced evil, and reacted to it negatively, causing us to do the same. The only way to stop this cycle, is to understand what has happened, and change our response.

People who have been exposed to negativity, for example, child abuse, sexual assault, bullying, or who lived in negative environments with people who instilled negativity such as fear, anger and hate react according to that lifetime of influence. The lack of love has caused a perspective and the perspective has driven the motives and actions. Exposure to love changes all that. We do not have to fight for peace. Fighting for anything positive is destructive. We must instead expose those inclined to express evil through their thoughts and actions to love. Since we are all inherently good, the reaction will ultimately be the same.

Those forms of mental illness which cause us to exhibit evil behavior must be eliminated by creating environments of love, immediately, from conception. The only way we can accomplish this is through education and knowledge. Once the evil and negativity has been instilled in one of our fellow human beings, it must be removed by offering our love and kindness. Our example is a great first step. The New Testament of the Christian Bible says “so let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and may glorify your Father who [is] in the heavens” (Matthew 5:16). When others see, through our example, that goodness does exist, and when we offer that goodness, love and kindness to them, the process of change can begin.

You may be tempted to view this as an over-simplification. You may be tempted to laugh at it – as naivety. If so, consider where the opposite response has brought us. We are constantly fighting. We purposely and frequently inflict pain and suffering on our fellow human beings. Absent some sort of mental illness and incorrect thought process, that evil process is not possible. We were created as goodness – all of us. Understanding that is important. Understanding that we were ALL created as goodness is important. It changes our perspective from hating to understanding, from fighting to healing.

The answer is never hate-fight. It is always love-understand-heal. Hate-fight keeps us hating and fighting, and we’ve been doing that far too long.

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