President Trump

It’s been a very long election season. We had a tough choice this year. But it’s over. Now we need to get back on track.

We have a new president. The reaction for some has been hate and violence. That never, ever wins. It just causes fear and chaos – and helps promote evil. Hating and destroying is never a good response. Remember – evil wants to exploit ways of getting YOU to behave badly. It wants YOU to help it create negativity and more evil. Don’t do it.

Most of us want the same things out of life. We may have different ways of experiencing those things but we strive for the same feelings. Security, happiness, love, companionship, pleasure, etc. There is an insidious energy occupying this world that tries to convince us that other people stand in our way of achieving those things for which we strive. Black people, White people, Asian people, conservative, liberal, democrats, republicans – the list of categories we put ourselves in goes on and on and on. We associate with other “category” members in the hopes of achieving the feelings we crave. But there’s a dirty little secret. It’s the categories that make us unhappy.

For some reason we don’t categorize ourselves into groups such as “good” and “bad”. We prefer the physical and philosophical differences. But, really, we should ignore the physical and philosophical aspects of each other and group together as “good” or “bad”. In that way we can work together as GOOD and help change the BAD. We do this, again, by changing the negative hate energy and transforming it into love. This begins with understanding, communication and kindness. The more we fuel the hate, the more we lose.

Whoever occupies any position of power is really at the mercy of the expectations of the group he or she represents. Expect goodness! Expect kindness! Expect our leaders to do the right things and be confident that they will. I hope you understand this. It’s important. Please don’t fuel the negativity by creating more. Create love, and love will change us all, for good.

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