Why Turn the Other Cheek?

Humans constantly make decisions which determine the path of our future existence. Right now a lot of folks are concerned about the “end days”. Some call it the final days – the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the end of the world. However you refer to it, it will be here some day. It may be tomorrow, it may be a million years from now. Regardless of when it occurs, what we collectively decide to do NOW, and by that I mean how YOU act, think and react, will have consequences far beyond your current level of comprehension.

Humans share some very important characteristics. One of these characteristics is called “consciousness”. You often see it in lesser forms when you are in any social group. The “crowd” mentality is a perfect example. People act a certain way when they are in a crowd. They react to the way the crowd as a whole is thinking. Their consciousness blends with that of the crowd and everyone starts to think alike. Often times things get out of control, and people start to act differently than they would if they were not a part of that crowd.

The human race is an extension of that crowd. All the influences you are exposed to contribute to your perception of things, and you think according to the perception you have. Your outlook on everything is based on that perception and the thoughts you have from that perspective. That’s why we can find it offensive to kill people in general, but support it in times of war, self defense, etc. From one perspective it’s very wrong, from another it’s very right. Yet even in times of war, the families of those killed do not find it to be “right”. From their perspective the people who killed their loved one are wrong – they are the bad guys, the animals, the enemy. Of course this works both ways. Can both perspectives be right? Can they both be wrong?

Many things have contributed to our current level of consciousness. Deliberate attempts to create a very negative collective consciousness can be seen everywhere. It’s easy to turn on the news or watch TV commercials about all kinds of physical ailments, even see violence and greed daily. The more we confront these and a host of other negative issues the worse they seem to get. That is by design. Make no mistake about it. Dragging down the collective human consciousness and the perspective from which each of us think is the ultimate goal of a very negative influence. This influence has been silently working against a positive perspective draining us of hope and love and faith in humanity for thousands of years.

Conceptually, the solution is simple. Executing it to the degree necessary to effect change is going to require your conscious effort, at least at first. We need to deliberately fill the world with love.

The LOVE referenced in this writing may seem different than “love” as you may currently think of it, though it is not. This love is the energy of love. It is the source of everything in existence. It is a real, quantifiable force which fills all existence – from the cells in our bodies to the galaxy as a whole. It is pure energy and as such is capable of everything you might expect of any form of energy. It is the most powerful form of energy and has been the invisible force behind every miracle, every answered prayer and every good deed and positive outcome ever performed or experienced. Without a doubt, it has no equal. And in the right environment, it knows no limit. No miracle is without its’ influence and no catastrophe – even the end of the world – is beyond its’ intervention.

In many areas, humans, while experiencing a previously unimaginable level of technology and potential, have allowed/created a consciousness very much focused on material gain without regard for the impact on fellow man, his environment or the energy of love. We seem to be seeing a spiritual battle unfold – good versus evil. It is a spiritual battle in which the only possible positive outcome depends on the decision of mankind to exist in an environment of love. That love must be created – literally – by all of us. We have the ability to manufacture the energy of love from within ourselves. We must remember or learn how to do it.

Your decision to participate in the transformation has great consequences. It helps us “win” the spiritual battle. If you “win”, we all win. Those of you who have purposely chosen to live a life of peace, love and happiness are far ahead of those who just don’t get it. Some people define themselves by their accumulations and have become blind to the nature of existence. In the end, they will depend on you to save not only themselves, but all of us. It is the realization of yet another Truth, passed on through countless generations yet completely misunderstood by almost everyone to whom it has revealed itself. “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.”

Negative acts such as wars, bombings, terrorism – they are all designed to make you join the crowd mentality of fear, hatred and negativity. Don’t get sucked in! The irony of this “spiritual battle” is that it can not be fought. Fighting by it’s very nature is a negative act producing negative energy. This battle must be loved out of existence, the same way every bit of negative energy must be changed through positive love energy. Turn the other cheek. It is the only way.

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