Love. It LOVES love.

Over the years I’ve had some people tell me I’m crazy.  Now I’m going to prove them right! As you read this page, really think about what I’m writing.  Nothing is misprinted, but sometimes it’s hard to follow. If you REALLY think about it, it will make sense.  If it already makes sense, maybe you’re crazy, too!

Have you ever had the feeling things aren’t quite the way they appear? Ever think you’re crazy because no one sees your point of view? I remember visiting my father some time ago and observing him watching some war movie. I looked at the German Nazis marching in formation and thought how crazy the idea was – that an entire country could be duped into believing that they needed to kill anyone, let alone an entire race of people.  Yet that’s exactly what happened.

Then I realized that it wasn’t just the Nazis – folks everywhere were convinced that the only practical solution to their ”problem” was to kill other folks. So many of the greatest minds got together – and continue to do so – to devise more efficient ways of causing pain, killing each other and destroying our planet. Ever wonder why? It always boils down to out of control ego or greed.

We all know that anti-social behavior exists. We all know that men will go to extreme measures to line their pockets, increase their power, or feed their egos. We see it in the news daily – gang murders, drug wars, mafia type incidents in which normal seeming men and women do unthinkable things for money or power. Yet when it comes to politicians or governments, we don’t connect the dots. We don’t see that, perhaps, these same men and woman may have seen an opportunity in politics or government operations to take advantage of people,increase their own wealth or feed their egos. We see it happening – every day – but we refuse to believe it, because we wouldn’t do it ourselves.

Unfortunately it does happen. And it’s been happening a lot. The lunatics are running the asylum so to speak. And we refuse to believe it, because the reality of it all is too painful to think about. It’s easier to allow ourselves to be distracted by the things that are deliberately put in front of us for that very reason! But you know better. Otherwise you wouldn’t have landed on this page.  But what’s the answer? Do we band together and fight these bastards! Do we reclaim our lives, our history and our land? I have a very different solution. We love them.  This isn’t anything new. It’s in the Bible.  It’s called turning the other cheek.

Sound a little crazy? Years ago I would’ve thought so. But I honestly believe that’s the solution. These crazy folks, these lunatics running the asylum – they really are crazy. Some of them actually think they have something everlasting to gain by doing the terrible things they do – by causing the terrible things they cause. Some of them would laugh if they read this post, because they are incapable of understanding the reality of how things work. And let’s face it, their actions have paid off so far in their eyes.

So the rest of this post is meant as reassurance that you’re not crazy. Maybe someone will change because of it – that would be fine. But the important thing is that you DON’T decide to “fight the bastards”, that you refuse to hurt anyone. Everything has it’s time. All things come around. Evils begets evil and negativity begets more negativity. Don’t contribute to it. This is what you need to understand: Love can not hate, and hate can not love. Just as light cannot exist in the form of a darkness, darkness cannot exist in the form of a light. They are opposites and each is incapable of existing in the presence of the other. Each is incapable of producing the other. Where ever the two meet, there is a hierarchy, and I suggest that where the two are destined to meet, darkness always yields. They can not simultaneously coexist in the same place and our experience shows us that light never disappears because of darkness. Rather darkness is an opportunist. It only exists where light has left. And it yields again should light return.

Love loves love. Love can not hate, it can only love. Therefore, love cannot hate love. But also – love can not hate hate. For love can not hate, it can only love. Therefore, love also loves hate. This seems counter intuitive, but hate hates love loving hate. Loving hate provides the balance necessary to dismiss hate. Like hot water mixing with cold water to normalize it. Love loves all things and offers that love to all things. All things that offer love to love are met with love. From this, goodness results.

Conversely, hate hates love. Hate can not love, it can only hate. Therefore, hate also hates hate. This also seems counter-intuitive but to hate, hate is the highest expression of the highest ideal. Therefore, hating hate is the highest expression of hate TO hate. Offering love to hate is hated as hate hates all things including love. All things offering hate to hate are met with hate response. This is evil. And producing suffering, pain and misery to those who offer love to hate is a goal of hate.

That puts us in a precarious situation, doesn’t it? No matter what we do, if we choose to live in love, hate hates us!  Well, not exactly. Remember that love and hate are types of energy, and energy can change form. Love can change hate. YOU have the ability to cause such a change HERE, and NOW.  But equally important is the context – we are talking about choices – how you choose to EXIST.  Not just here.  If you choose to live in love, ULTIMATELY, the hate response is ineffective. When we move beyond this physical world, we will live in the energy of either love or hate, and having offered love to hate is only a factor if you end up existing in the negativity of hate.

This is where some have been deceived. They believe their hateful actions will be rewarded. Their understanding of reward involves some sort of good thing or feeling. But this is impossible with hate. With hate, offering something to bring you happiness or joy is not possible, so you will be met with hate. That is the nature of evil.  For example, if someone deliberately helped evil produce hate they likely believe they have been rewarded in a good or pleasant way, but they haven’t. A fish believes it has found a good and satisfying meal right up until it has finished eating the bait. But that was never the intent of the fisherman. Quite the opposite. The fish was deceived.

Love and hate are two forms of energy. They are the original forms of energy and the building blocks of existence. In our world, we have discovered that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change form. You can change hate into love. You can change love into hate. Or you can simply promote one or the other from itself.  The choice is really yours. Really. But understand that you will be met with the consequences of your choice. You will be met with the highest expression of the highest form of energy that you choose to promote. If that is love, you will receive goodness and love. But if it is hate, you will be met with evil and hate – not some “reward” for helping to distribute the negativity – that would be opposite to the nature of evil.

A deliberately evil person may think they have already experienced some reward for their evil, but that is simply the bait.  Remember that and don’t bite!  And if you already swallowed the hook, jump off the boat before it’s really too late.

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