The Times They Are a-Changing

It’s time to think. For almost 14 years I have been writing about the need to respond to EVERYTHING with love. I have had many discussions during which others have insisted that we need to FIGHT. This is incorrect. The world has accepted a paradigm which needs to change. There is almost no human way of changing this paradigm without spiritual guidance and intervention. With that in mind, try to understand the absolute necessity of responding to events which are going to unfold with kindness and love. As much as you will want to hate, as much as you will want to fight, resist. Resist and listen to your inner spirit for guidance. You will see the correct path, and we will find success.

Start now by understanding the relationship between your thoughts and the actual, physical, state of existence. Understand that some of you have been led down the path of hatred and violence, purposely, because those responsible for negatively affecting our reality are not the ones who receive your hatred and violence. Our brothers and sisters are. YOUR brothers and sisters are. We only fight each other, we only hurt each other, and in doing so we help achieve that negative reality.

The solution is to understand that hating and hurting each other, does NOTHING to those responsible for the “problem”. It furthers their agenda, and divides us. Whatever your profession, the time is now to change your thought process and halt the spread of negativity. This is not only the best way to change our state of existence. It is the ONLY way.

Here is what you must do. First, believe that we humans can co-exist on this most beautiful and generous planet. Start, right now, responding to EVERYONE and every circumstance with love and kindness. This is a critical first step, and it begins with YOU. Realize that you are here because you are part of the solution. Teach others to respond similarly. It is important that this message reach everyone – blue collar, white collar, teachers, students, parents, children and especially our brave brothers and sisters who have chosen the professions responsible for protecting us, such as police and military. Understand that all these men and women are just like you. They feel the same feelings, they are created from goodness and love. We all want to do the right thing, and so we do what we think is right based on our own understanding of things.

Be diligent about your responses to circumstances. Don’t hate the driver in front of you, love them. Don’t hate your neighbors, love them. Don’t hate anyone, love everyone, no matter how difficult this may seem. You have understanding. If there is no one to respond negatively, there can be no negativity. Start now by being an example, and a teacher. This is the most important thing you can do. It has taken such a very long time for reality to reach this point in its existence. It will very swiftly change into an existence of beauty and love. You will see how much more powerful love is than any form of negativity. It’s time to change the world.

Stay persistent and determined. Negativity will try to sustain itself, especially because it knows that in the presence of love, it must yield. Love will endure.

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