
“Beware categories. They exist to destroy us!”

Divide and conquer is the time tested way to control the thoughts and actions of a group. We are constantly being divided. White, Black, Asian, male, female, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, gay, straight, pansexual, transgender, American, Syrian, Chinese, Russian, laborer, manager, Yankees fan, Dodgers fans, long hair, short hair, no hair, democrats, republicans, conservatives, liberals… this list is deliberately long because in reality, it is never ending. Yes, even hair can be a category as it was in the 60s when “hippies” were defined by it, and judged accordingly. These are things with which we all identify, or not, to some degree. They are ways in which we segregate ourselves, separate ourselves from each other, love each other… hate each other. Some of these categories are self imposed. Some are not. Regardless, we need to very careful about allowing ourselves to stick each other – including ourself – into a category. Categories divide. Division weakens our ability to see, and to respond appropriately.

In the last year we have seen many hi-profile incidents such as White Police Officers shooting unarmed Blacks in various locations, Black gunman shooting White Police Officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas, the Gay hate crime in an Orlando nightclub, the Cascade Mall shooting – possibly ISIS related, violent political protests after the election of Donald Trump, negative reactions to events such as A Day without Immigrants, and A Day without a Woman. All these incidents are reactions from one “category” to another “category”. When will we figure out that they are designed to separate us?

I view categories as one of the biggest threats to peace and progress that we have ever experienced. Categories include some of the main methods by which evil expands itself. But, like everything, there is another side to the story. Categories don’t have to be all that bad. It’s how we define the categories that makes them so. For example, if we defined the category “Good People” to include people who were simply “good” – including ALL good people – Whites, Blacks, Asians, Middle Easterners, Gays, Straights, Bis, Muslims, Christians, etc., etc., etc. – then the category becomes inclusive, and it’s members more accepting because the differences between us take a little more thought than simply skin color or spoken language. We need to stop hating simply because someone has a different sports team on their shirt. Actually, as many of you already know, we need to stop hating, period.

Think about the categories you belong to, then think about why you put yourself there. More importantly, think about the categories you put other people into, and why you put them there. Ask yourself if these categories serve a good purpose. If not, rethink your definitions. Find ways to include more people into your categories, and find ways to include yourself into other people’s categories. This has a uniting, rather than dividing effect. Uniting is the only way that we progress, and positive progress is the only way we change the present paradigm.

I haven’t mentioned love yet. You knew I would! Define your categories with love. Give up the differences, and see the commonalities. React with love and kindness, always. In this way we will be aided and inspired to see things from a condition of love and truth. The combined energy of love will void evil efforts and intentions and transform us. Give your attention to goodness, always.

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