Remember, Repent, Return

Much of what I write references the Christian Bible. That’s what I am most familiar with. With that said, much of what I write concerns our present condition and achieving an intended spiritual condition and the resultant state of being. This is referenced in many religions including all the Abrahamic religions. Christians and the Bahá’í Faith call it the Kingdom of God, Islam references the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth, the Hebrew Bible uses His Kingdom. It is my belief and understanding that the ancient Holy Books all attempt to lead us down a path. All of them. They use different methods or, I should say, different forms of persuasion, to accomplish this. But being human, we don’t focus on the common messages and the philosophical goal. Instead we find more ways to categorize ourselves into DIFFERENT groups and justify our actions which, fueled by our egos, often cause alienation, pain and suffering.

The Bible tells us “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” – get ready for the change that is coming. But how do we do that? I believe we already know the answer to that question, but the Christian Bible provides some clues. For starters, Jesus tells us that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must be childlike. If we are to change our existence, if we are to shift the energy of reality to a new paradigm, we must REMEMBER where we came from, REPENT or realize the change that we accepted, allowed or created, and return to that earlier condition. Again quoting the Christian Bible, “Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first.”

That quote was meant for a specific audience and references specific events, but it is equally applicable to this discussion. In order to create the condition necessary to effect the change we seek, we need to undo a few things. A child is inherently good. Until they learn otherwise, children tend to react without considering. In other words, it is not unusual to see a child offer comfort or support without considering the “consequences”. (Think: if I give this person some of my candy there will be less for me.) It is also not uncommon to hear a shriek or wail if you take some treasured toy away from them! They act honestly, without considering whether or not they should.

Of course, this is a double edged sword. But when nurtured in the warmth of love energy, when reacting with inherent, unadulterated goodness the unconsidered response is from kindness. As adults, living in an ego driven and sometimes self centered reality, we have already learned to look out for one’s self. Grab what you can! YOLO! If you don’t do it, the other guy will!

Realize that thinking this way is not conducive to existing in your natural state. Reflect on that fact, understand the error and consequences of failing that way, and get back to your correct condition. Remember, repent and return. In that way we can change the energy of this existence and move forward to our intended state.

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