Angels Among Us?

Do you believe any one of us is perfect? Do you think any of us can be? I think as humans, it’s almost impossible for us to be perfect. But Angels – pure spirits of love – they CAN. Now maybe you don’t believe in Angels as we tend to think of them. But my image of an Angel is quite different from the traditional view. In my world, YOU are an Angel. You just don’t know it. And that’s what makes you imperfect.

That’s right. YOU are an Angel. So am I. And we’re all here for the same reason – to create positive, love energy. The way we often find ourselves creating this love energy is by helping others. But not everyone creates perfect love energy you say? Well that’s why we’re here. Certainly not everyone creates perfect love energy. In fact most people find it difficult to do it some of the time, let alone all of the time. We don’t know we’re Angels.

Stop reading for a minute. If you are in a position to observe people, anywhere, do so for a couple of minutes. If you aren’t, turn on a TV and simply watch. What the people are doing is not important. Just watch for a few minutes and then come back to this post.

Now think about the people you saw. Imagine that they are Angels – even if they were doing things that we would consider to be un-Angelic, even bad. But imagine that they were Angels and didn’t know it. Imagine that they are lost, here on earth, trying to make sense of it all. Imagine that the only thing they have been conditioned to do is to react to their surroundings, their environment, their experiences. Isn’t that what most of us do? Imagine they need your help. Would you help them? What if you absolutely knew you were an Angel?

Imagine what would happen if they absolutely KNEW – if YOU absolutely knew that you were an Angel, with a purpose. Imagine how differently we would all live our lives. The problem is, we can’t know. We can only suspect, because KNOWING would make it too easy. Knowing would tilt the scales in favor of positive love energy. The world was set up with an inherent conflict between positive and negative energy. The only way for us to resolve the conflict is to learn to create positive energy from negative energy. Remember – the conflict existed from the beginning. So from the very beginning we could not KNOW for certain the nature of our spirits, or the conflict would never have existed. It is up to us to find out. It is up to us to consistently change that negative energy into positive energy until all existence has been filled with goodness.

Most of existence lives according to a rule that for every action there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction. Energy is a bit different. It is different because it is the “thing” that makes up everything. It makes up the “action” as well as the “reaction”. It makes up the “equal” as well as the “opposite”. It exists exactly as it did at the beginning of time, except that it has changed FORM along the way. A seed can become a flower. Water can become ice. The union of a man and woman can become life. And all along the life of a human, we constantly change the form of energy, breaking down food to become our hair, skin, thoughts. Those events don’t require an OPPOSITE reaction. That’s because energy itself is not an event. It is not an action. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s still energy. Since it’s not an action, it doesn’t require an opposite reaction. But because it can not be created or destroyed, it requires SOME form. The form can change. In this way bad energy can become good energy. Love can change hate into more love. A good deed does not have to cause an evil one. So what seems like a paradox is really just a case of understanding the difference between energy and action.

Angels understand this. Lost souls need to learn it. Remember all those lost souls you observed earlier. Imagine you helped each one become Angelic simply by creating positive energy in their life. Think of the gang banger who experiences love and becomes a champion for positive change in his community. Think of the alcoholic who sobered up and spent a lifetime helping others do the same. Think of a good thing you have done and the positive effect it had. These people are becoming Angelic. They are becoming perfect. In my world they will succeed in becoming beacons of love. Rearrange your world to effect the same result. Know what will happen? Energy will respond. And it’ll be good.

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