Healthcare Questions

Last evening, we met at the home of Deb and Jeff C.  It was a great experience and I enjoyed being able to address questions face to face.   There were several questions related to healthcare.  Apparently there is confusion over what we can, can’t and should do.  It’s a complicated subject.  Please review our FAQ, ...

New Format

In a couple of months, we will be meeting in members homes, in person, to learn, pray and worship.  You will likely see fewer posts online as a result. I will continue to pen the occasional thought, but the primary means of communication will be togetherness. You will receive a call or email with the ...

Why Turn the Other Cheek?

Humans constantly make decisions which determine the path of our future existence. Right now a lot of folks are concerned about the “end days”. Some call it the final days – the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the end of the world. However you refer to it, it will be here some day. It may be tomorrow, it ...

Prayers and Thoughts on the Paris Attacks

I offer a prayer for the victims and their families of last night’s terror attacks in Paris. I know no words can ease the pain they feel right now. I pray that those killed in the attack find eternal peace and happiness and watch over their loved ones on this plane of existence. I pray ...

Remembering, Reuniting and Rising Above

Today is the anniversary of 9/11, and while the country as a whole has moved on, the day is a sad reminder to all of us of the hateful acts which took place that day. It would be arrogant of me to think that I can say anything to make the pain go away. Losing ...

We Need to Talk.

Do you know what the number one cause of divorce is? Lack of communication. Problems with your teen? Communication. Bullying… Communication issues.  War, Terrorism, Atrocities – all the result of poor or misguided or intentionally misleading communication. It saddens me to think of all the lost lives, wasted money, misdirected effort and agony that gets ...


I get asked about my position on homosexuality quite a bit.  Here it is. To clarify my response in advance, when I am asked about my position  on homosexuality, I am assuming that I am being asked about how I feel about two members of the same sex entering into a sexual relationship. To be ...

Black Victims and White Police

If you’ve read any of various Holy Books that we humans rely on for spiritual guidance – such as the Bible, the Torah or the Quran – you’ve likely read of the struggle between good and evil. It’s a common theme. And if you truly believe your sacred text, you should heed it’s advice – ...

Jesus Didn’t Die for Your Sins

There’s a misconception in Christianity that teaches us that Jesus died for our sins.  He didn’t. Throughout His life, Jesus taught peace, tolerance and love.  He was one of the greatest humans to ever walk on earth.  In fact, I can’t think of anyone greater.  He was divine.  He was special.  He died for us. ...

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a form of communicating with God. The quality of our feelings, thoughts and emotions during this communication is the main determining factor in whether or not the prayer will be successful. In other words, trusting and believing is critical to receiving a positive outcome of your prayer. Those “miracle workers” who ask God ...