Divine Solutions as They Relate to Healthcare

I often get asked for clarification of our duty to look to God for solutions, especially as they relate to healthcare. I will provide some guidance in the form of an FAQ here, but please always feel free to contact me for clarification of your specific circumstances.

  • AM I PROHIBITED FROM GOING TO A HOSPITAL? No. During an emergency, the sensible thing is to go to the hospital to address a situation which has already occurred.  Ideally, we would trust and believe that we will be protected from any negativity, but that is a process, and sometimes we fall short.
  • WHAT ABOUT WOMEN’S REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS? What we have come to  call “Women’s Reproductive Rights” is only a reproductive right if a life is reproduced.  If a life is terminated, it is neither a reproduction, nor a right.  Many, many people have been deceived by this.  If you are among the deceived, I implore you to help educate others, rather than become defensive.  You were deceived.  God is Love.  Accept that love and know that it accepts you as well. Help other avoid the deception and keep the Love strong and vibrant. Be part of the solution, not an agent of deceit, and know that you are loved and accepted.
  • CAN I TAKE MEDICATION? DOES THIS VIOLATE OUR TRUST IN GOD? Yes, on both counts.  You can take medication if circumstances progress to a state in which medication is necessary. As has always been the case, sickness is the result of a lack of faith, but faith is a goal, a progression which takes education, experience and discipline.  You will get there eventually, but taking medication while progressing to a state of perfect trust will not offend the loving God who is everything.  Just be sure to continue to work on your faith, and that the medication has not been created in a manner, or with substances, which violate our beliefs (e.g. no other people have been harmed during it’s creation, no toxic substances which will pollute our bodies, etc.)
  • CAN I GET VACCINATED? This is a tricky question as there are many components to it.  Although it is related to the last question, it is actually very different.  In short, the answer is no.  Vaccination is not the result of a lack of faith, it’s a contributor to lack of faith. Deciding to get vaccinated is deciding that you will not have the necessary protective faith IN ADVANCE.  This is different from taking medicine in that the sickness has already progressed, and the lack of faith has already resulted in a negative consequence.  With vaccinations, we are already assuming that God will not protect us, and have not even tried to grow our faith, learn to trust, and give our thoughts entirely to God. Additionally, it is well documented that vaccines often contain toxic substances.  Introducing these toxic substances into our bodies is not only in direct contradiction to our beliefs and responsibilities, but they can actually create situations which are much more harmful to a person who already lacks faith and trust in God.  We have seen this over and over, as people accept vaccines for diseases which can be cured after contracting the disease, and become more sick or compromised as a result of the vaccine.  This is especially dangerous to someone who has not developed their faith sufficiently, and wishes to utilize man-made solutions in advance, expecting that God will not protect them.
  • CAN I GO TO THE DOCTOR?  There is nothing inherently wrong with going to the Doctor, but it does seem to demonstrate a lack of faith. So you can go to the Doctor, but his or her advice may be subject to scrutiny, such as taking medicine versus getting a vaccine.
  • IF I COMPLETELY TRUST IN GOD, CAN I EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY? Sure!  Just remember that you have a responsibility to nurture and protect your body as a creation of Infinite Love.  So grab a handful of organic nuts, a sparkling glass of spring water, and merry it up!  

The important thing to ask yourself when faced with questions about healthcare is whether or not the situation is the result of a lack of faith, or is expecting a lack of faith.  We must also remember that life is eternal.  Too often we get so focused on our present situation that we forget the purpose of this life. It is a learning process in which we learn to trust our God, love with our entire being, and earn reunion with Love.  Peace.