A Chicken, or an Egg?

One of the mantras of the pro-“choice” movement is “my body, my choice”.  Certainly one should be able to decide what they do with their body.  But when it comes to reproduction, whose body is it? In the past, I’ve made the argument that a fetus can have its own blood type, that it involves ...

God’s Intention 1

God’s intention has always been one involving  a personal relationship with man based on love. We have conflated the intention of God with our interpretation of the events which created our condition. There are 39 Books in the Old Testament section of the Bible.  The Torah, which is part of the Hebrew Bible, is included ...

Does God Exist? (UPDATED)

Do you believe in God? There are only 3 answers to this question. “Yes”, “No” or “I’m not sure” – believer, atheist, or agnostic. Let’s focus on “yes” or “no” since agnosticism is uncommitted. Believers believe there is a Supreme Being who always existed with the power to create whatever He wanted. They believe that ...

Time for a Post

Been a while. No time for chit chat. There’s a lot going on. Since the death of George Floyd, there has been a wave of violence throughout the country. We are coming off months of minute by minute news coverage of coronavirus and COVID-19 deaths only to be confronted with a wave of irrational responses ...

The Times They Are a-Changing

It’s time to think. For almost 14 years I have been writing about the need to respond to EVERYTHING with love. I have had many discussions during which others have insisted that we need to FIGHT. This is incorrect. The world has accepted a paradigm which needs to change. There is almost no human way ...


“Beware categories. They exist to destroy us!” Divide and conquer is the time tested way to control the thoughts and actions of a group. We are constantly being divided. White, Black, Asian, male, female, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, gay, straight, pansexual, transgender, American, Syrian, Chinese, Russian, laborer, manager, Yankees fan, Dodgers fans, long hair, ...

Remember, Repent, Return

Much of what I write references the Christian Bible. That’s what I am most familiar with. With that said, much of what I write concerns our present condition and achieving an intended spiritual condition and the resultant state of being. This is referenced in many religions including all the Abrahamic religions. Christians and the Bahá’í ...

It’s Time to Fight for Peace

Wrong. Have you ever wondered how, in a world in which opportunists would gladly usurp the power of an advanced, loving society, can we exist in a constant state of love and kindness? If we treat everyone with love, forgiveness and kindness, what happens when the bad guys come along? We must fight them, right? ...

President Trump

It’s been a very long election season. We had a tough choice this year. But it’s over. Now we need to get back on track. We have a new president. The reaction for some has been hate and violence. That never, ever wins. It just causes fear and chaos – and helps promote evil. Hating ...

Thoughts on Orlando and Dallas

I think it’s fair to say that most of the United States is shocked and saddened by the events which unfolded in Orlando, FL on June 12, 2016 and Dallas, TX on July 7, 2016.  I offer my sincere condolences to all the victims and everyone who experienced the terror. I pray for them all, ...